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Sleep Sex Or Sexsomnia: Causes, Symptoms, And Management

Sleep Sex or Sexsomnia Causes, Symptoms, and Management

Sleep is essential for our overall health and well-being. However, some people experience sleep disorders that affect their daily lives. One such condition is sexsomnia, also known as sleep sex. This blog will discuss the causes, symptoms, and management of sexsomnia.

What Is Sexsomnia?

Sexsomnia is a parasomnia that occurs when the brain is caught between sleep stages, making one function like awake while still asleep. People with sexsomnia engage in sleep-related sexual behaviour, ranging from masturbation to sexual intercourse.

Symptoms of Sexsomnia

Sexsomnia is different from sex-themed dreams that are common among teenagers and adults. Instead, the person with this condition engages in sexual behaviours while asleep, often with others. For example, they may exhibit fondling or inducing foreplay with a bed partner, pelvic thrusting, behaviours that mimic sexual intercourse, and spontaneous orgasm. The individual may also have a glassy, vacant look in their eyes during these behaviours.

The problem with sexsomnia is that the person with the condition may not realize they have it until someone else brings it to their attention. Then, they can open their eyes and act awake, but they are experiencing an amnesic episode and won’t remember anything.

Causes of Sexsomnia

The exact cause of sexsomnia is unknown, but doctors know several factors that can contribute to it. These include sleep deprivation, fatigue, increased stress, anxiety, irregular sleep patterns, certain medications, and drinking alcohol. In addition, underlying medical disorders such as sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, and head injuries can trigger sexsomnia.

Tips for Managing Sexsomnia

Managing sexsomnia involves making lifestyle changes that reduce the risk of experiencing episodes.

Here are some tips for managing sexsomnia:

1. Discussing it with partner and family: Sexsomnia can affect personal relationships. It’s important to let your loved ones know of the diagnosis, how you treat it, and how they can help you.

2. Avoid triggers: Recognizing triggers such as alcohol consumption and recreational drugs can help prevent sexsomnia episodes.

3. Practice good sleep hygiene: Getting regular sleep every night is crucial to prevent sexsomnia. Sleep deprivation and changes in sleep patterns can lead to disorder episodes. So set a bedtime and stick to it.


If you have been diagnosed with sexsomnia or feel at risk of developing it, consult a sexologist like Dr Gupta, the best sexologist in Kolkata. With the proper management and lifestyle changes, sexsomnia can be controlled, and you can enjoy restful and healthy sleep.

For more information, please visit the website.

Website: https://www.drguptas.com/

You can also contact us through mail on: drguptasclinic@gmail.com

Or can also call us on: +91 9831834215

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