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How To Keep The Spark Alive In Your Relationship?

How to Keep The Spark Alive In Your Relationship

Discover how to reignite the spark in your long-term relationship with tips from the best sexologist Dr Gupta. Learn what healthy addiction in love looks like and why manipulation doesn’t work in relationships.

So, you have been in a relationship for, let’s say, FOREVERYou have gone through love-at-first-sight/ fight, the first date, the first kiss, and then the second, the third, and maybe the twentieth.

But why do couples lose the spark anyway? Long-distance relationships, growing resentment, and contradicting schedules are most of the common reasons for losing the flicker.

What Does A Healthy Addiction Looks Like?

As per the best sexologist Dr Guptawhen you are deeply in love with someone, and yet you are maintaining an independent lifestyle, like going to work, getting your daily tasks done, and meeting your other responsibilities, you are doing great.

While on the other hand, if your personal space is getting hampered because of your relationship, you need to work on it.

But Manipulation Never Works

If you have lost the spark in your long-term relationship, bringing the spark back is not impossible. But you have to take note that reigniting the spark is not about manipulating each other in any way.

It’s more about finding little hacks to deepen your bond even more with the passing course of time. Here are a few tricks suggested by the experienced sexologist Dr Gupta.

Talk Every Day

No matter how silly it sounds, you need to really talk every day. Here talking doesn’t mean discussing the groceries, calculating the month’s budget, or gossiping about some colleagues or relatives. With the daily hustle and bustle of life, most modern couples have forgotten how to have a real talk that matters.

Make sure to share your good news with each other. What did you learn today? Which professional/personal goal you achieved today? What are your next goals in life? There’s no limit to knowing each other some more every day. A relationship never gets monotonous if you know the art of keeping it fresh and charming even after years have passed.

Stay Curious To Know More

The human mind is the most complex yet the most interesting thing ever! You can never know a person fully. However, there are lots of things to explore in your partner’s mind and sexual orientation every day.

Remember why you fell for him/ her in the first place, and we bet that your partner has evolved a lot throughout the years. So think how interesting it is going to be to know him/her more!

Don’t Forget To Appreciate Each Other

A relationship requires teamwork. Gone are the days of gender roles, and these days, both partners work equally to make a lifestyle that suits them the best. Eminent suggest acknowledging and appreciating even the small tasks you do for each other. We all know how easy it is to point out each other’s ‘flaws,’ but it takes a lot of thoughtfulness to appreciate. 

However, keeping the spark alive isn’t always about tricks and hacks but finding little ways to make each other valuable and strengthen your bond.


Keeping the spark alive in a long-term relationship requires effort, communication, and appreciation. Follow the tips from the best sexologist Dr Gupta to deepen your bond with your partner and maintain a healthy addiction to love. 

For more information, please visit the website.

Website: https://www.drguptas.com/

You can also contact us through mail on: drguptasclinic@gmail.com

Or can also call us on: +91 9831834215

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